Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why no recent photos?

Well frankly, the conditions have been pretty miserable much of the time. Even when there's a sun break, I never know for how long it will last and if it will suddenly turn into a downpour. Not only that, but if the better weather happens towards the end of the week, that does me no good because that is when I am most busy, preparing for church.

The hopeful news is that the weather forecasts are starting to align on possibly better weather this weekend and early next week. The mountain ash are covered with red berries. The leaves are turning color. The birds have returned from their northern migrations. (Okay, why do birds migrate? Wouldn't it be more efficient for them to stay put? We have gulls and other birds that winter here and migrate north during the summer.) The muskeg is starting to die back for winter. The fog and mist make interesting patterns against the water and mountains. I'm not quite sure yet what will make interesting images.

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