Sunday, August 13, 2017

Peter, Paul, Antioch; and racial conflict in 2017

It's 2017 and humanity is still struggling with ideas about racial supermacy. And those who ought to know better, those whose entire religion was founded upon the idea of equality and egalitarianism, are still part of the problem.

Paul confronting Peter at Antioch is still a relevant message for us, in 2017. Here is my not-so-holy paraphrase of Galatians 2 –
Paul: Gentiles are fully welcome into fellowship with God, and that means full acceptance in the human community of Christ followers.
Peter and the other leaders: Yup. We agree. Good job Paul. We acknowledge and support your ministry. 
Peter, in Antioch, speaking to local Gentile Christians: Hey guys, good to see you. Let's do lunch, together. 
Certain influential Jewish leaders arrive in Antioch. 
Peter, now: Uh, guys, can we postpone our lunch date?  
Paul, to Peter: WTF Peter!? You coward! Hypocrite! You say you're for full inclusion, but you can't get yourself to actually model it. What are you afraid of? Are you living for the comfort of people's approvals? Me, I died to that sort of thing. I only live to please God, and if that means upsetting people because I actually live the gospel of inclusion and equality, then so be it.