Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sermon: “Follow Me”

(Click HERE for MP3 sermon audio.)

This sermon concludes the trip through the gospel account of John. Today I worked through chapter 21.

This chapter seems to speak to times of uncertainty. The disciples weren’t sure yet what exactly Jesus was up to. The audience of John’s gospel weren’t sure why Jesus hadn’t come yet, and weren’t sure what was going to happen when the last of the apostles departed the scene. I think this chapter is John’s response to how believers ought to live between the “already here” and “not yet” of God’s kingdom, particularly during those time when there doesn’t appear to be a clear answer to the question, “Now what?”

Even though I’ve spent nearly two years working through John’s gospel account, I know that I’ve only scratched a surface of all that could be learned. Nevertheless it has been a fruitful, inspiring, and productive journey. I think I’ve gained a better understanding of what it means to follow Christ, and for those that have followed along on this journey, I hope the same is true of you.

Now that I’ve reached the end of John, the question you might have is, “Now what?” For the next few weeks my plan is to work through the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:5-13. I also have some unfinished business with the book of Daniel that I ought to resume. With the holiday season approaching, that means any new, long series will likely wait until the beginning of 2009.

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