Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sermon: We Have Seen the Lord – Part 4: Signs, Sight, Faith

(Click HERE for MP3 sermon audio. Click HERE for PowerPoint slides. Click HERE for PowerPoint Viewer.)

This morning, I had the “opportunity” to use the recording capability on my new notebook PC. I say “opportunity” because the only reason was that I forgot to bring along my digital voice recorder. Since I had never used the sound recording capabilities on the PC prior to this, I didn’t know how it would turn out. The results were quite good, though the file size was immense. It took a long time to load into my audio editor for post processing, and it took much longer to convert to an MP3 and save it out. So even though the quality is probably better, the file from the voice recorder is much easier to work with. Anyway, enough of that.

Today’s sermon is the conclusion of my four-part series on John chapter 20. I take a bit of a detour away from John and try to place the concluding verses of chapter 20 into a broader context of what it could mean for today’s Christians. I talk about how Jesus and the writers of the New Testament foretold of false christs and a counterfeit second coming, and how Jesus’ words of blessing to those who come to believe without seeing might bear relevance for us. I discuss what I believe this counterfeit and deception could involve and how we might prepare to meet it.

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