Thursday, July 31, 2008

Campmeeting Food Preparations

A flurry of blog posts today -- I think this will be the last one.

I spent yesterday preparing the curry sauce for the split pea curry and today preparing the cheese sauce for the macaroni-and-cheese. I ended up with about 1.5 gallons each. I used some of each for yesterday's and tonight's dinners, so there's a little less now.

Preparing for 75 is a little different from preparing for 4. Although there is more work, it isn't a linear multiplier (fortunately!). I found preparing a larger quantity of a single dish much easier than preparing four or five dishes for say a dozen people, even though the end quantity is probably about the same.

The main issue was that my biggest pot wasn't quite big enough. I prepared the entire quantity of curry sauce at once. The pot was just barely large enough. I had to be very careful stirring to make sure it didn't splash out.

Learning from that, I made the cheese sauce in three separate batches. It took more time and work, but it probably came out better than if I had done it all at once.

What remains then is the assembling of the dishes at camp: the split peas to be cooked and combined with the curry; rice to be cooked; and the macaroni to be cooked, combined with the sauce and some frozen broccoli and cauliflower, then baked until hot.

Last year I did all the preparation and cooking at camp, and although it ended up working, it was quite a bit of work. Hopefully it won't be quite so hectic this year.

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