Saturday, July 11, 2009

Another look at my catch

One more look. This one right before I cooked and ate it. When cooked, the flesh looked and tasted a lot like salmon. Since I’m not a fish expert, I went back and looked at the fish and it has to be a Char (notice the light pink spots on a dark background), related to the trout. The only trout I’ve had in the past have been river trout, and my recollection was the they had white flesh. This char had very red flesh. Anyway, whatever… A fish is a fish, and this one was pretty tasty. {update} Elise learned from someone at work that Dolly Vardens are a kind of salmon. After looking up salmonidae I learned that salmon and trout are very closely related.

I’m going to have to go get my own fly fishing gear… Fishing is just a block down from our house! (Although where I fished today was closer to town, but still within easy walking distance, even carrying all the gear.)


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