Saturday, March 08, 2008

Sermon: An Example Of...?

(Click HERE for MP3 sermon audio.)

Based on John 13.

John 13 contains the recounting of Jesus washing the disciples' feet during the Last Supper. Jesus tells them, "I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you."

What is the example to which Jesus refers? Is it the literal washing of one another's feet? Is it the symbolic as well as real attitude of humility and act of service? What if we look at the entire context of chapter 13 rather than just the first part of the chapter? How does Jesus' "new commandment" to "Love each other; just as I have loved you," later in the chapter work into the example that Jesus gave earlier in the chapter? Is there something deeper and more significant about the foot-washing example than just the literal washing of feet, humility, and service?

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