Saturday, January 06, 2007

Today's sermon on John 1:1-4: Foundations

Today's sermon audio is available.

I examine the first four verses of the Gospel of John and see how John begins to build up the proposition that Jesus is the eternally divine God. The application for us today is that unless we are secure in our foundations of what the Bible claims about Jesus, we are inviting deceivers to come in and sweep us off our feet.

Next Sabbath I plan to work through verses 5 through 9.

I hope I get enough time to prepare this coming week, as I will be in Anchorage from Sunday to Thursday attending the AK Conference pastors meetings.

Snow continues to fall on and off. There hasn't been much more accumulation, but if the forecasts are correct, the temps are supposed to dip considerably below freezing over the next several days. And I'll be traveling farther north just in time for the colder weather. Brrr... (which according to the Scrabble Dictionary, is an actual word that can be used in Scrabble -- just thought you'd like to know).

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