Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Storing fresh strawberries

Conventional advice for fresh strawberries is: Keep in refrigerator and wash just before use because water damages the delicate skin and speeds up spoilage.

Problem with strawberries that we get: Many are already on the verge of starting to spoil by the time we bring them home.

I first noticed something different with the strawberries I placed on my cakes. I had gently rinsed, trimmed, then carefully dried each one. After a few days, they still looked okay. The advice for other types of berries is to wash in a water and vinegar solution (3:1), spin dry in a salad spinner lined with paper towel, then store in a paper towel lined container as soon as you get the berries home.

I purchased a 4 lb. package of strawberries last Friday. I put some into and onto another cake. On Saturday night I spent some time rinsing, trimming, and drying the remaining berries. I’ve been examining their condition every day. The few that still remain today still look fairly good. My hypothesis regarding strawberry preservation based upon this experiment (though I had no control set of unwashed berries) is strengthened.

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