Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lupines and Columbines

Last year I found quite a few different varieties of columbine growing along the shoulder of North Nordic Drive along the Narrows, just a short walk down from our house. Last year it was mid-May when I found them. With the flowers blooming later this year, I hadn’t seen any in May. I’ve been keeping an eye out for them whenever I happened to chance by along there (quite often, in other words). Earlier this week I thought I saw at least one columbine shooting up with blossoms.

Earlier today I was debating whether to go out cycling again or go for a walk with a camera. It turns out the cyclingwear needed washing, so that kind of made the decision for me. I took along my Canon today and went down the street and onto the path along the beach. I found lupines and about half a dozen different columbines (though some were still just in buds).

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