Saturday, February 02, 2008

Sermon: Marching Orders

(Click HERE for MP3 sermon audio.)

Alternate title: Why I Choose to Remain a Seventh-day Adventist Christian

This week I take a brief break from the gospel of John and tackle a different topic, as you can see from the above alternate title.

From time to time as I look at my spiritual experiences and the beliefs I hold, I am challenged by the following questions: Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist Christian? What keeps me one?

If I don't have good answers to the question, particularly the second one, it's either time to start searching for a good answer, or find a different faith or even belief system.

Today's sermon is my current answer to these questions. I get back to the original marching orders for the Adventist church: the three angels' of Revelation 14 (plus a bit more that follow - Rev. 14:6-16). I make an attempt to reframe the message to be more applicable to the 21st century world and its concerns.

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