This morning, Elise picked them up at the church and they came over to our wee, little apartment. A highly active 8-year old boy is not very conducive to quiet and reflection necessary for outlining a sermon. Fortunately for some of the time, the children were outside in the residual snow and falling rain. And so I managed to put together some initial thoughts for this Sabbath's sermon.

A little while later we had a short snow squall episode. They were large, wet flakes, but the air temperature was still above freezing so they did not really stay around long. The snow soon turned to rain. Tonight, there may be a little bit more snow as the

This afternoon was another episode of "will they, or won't they." I called the Browns to find out for sure if they were coming here this week or not. They thought they were, and so the van was already being packed so that when Dave flew back in from Seattle, they would be able to catch the ferry tonight. When I mentioned that the guest room was in use, Eunice thought they wouldn't come. But then Elise called a couple of hours later and Dave, who had returned by then, was preparing to come. So in a fit of panic and rushing, we had to start making alternate plans for Elise's dad and Danny. And then almost as soon as Elise's dad left our apartment to walk back to the church to start some laundry and pack things up, I got a phone call from Dave saying that in fact, the Conference had some other plans and needed Dave to stay in Wrangell this weekend. So the plans reverted to what they had been. Anyway, it was highly stressful dealing with unexpected changes.
So after all this, it appears that the next opportunity for the Browns to come over here is the first week of February. I have it penciled in using very light pressure and soft lead...
A few weeks ago I ordered a couple sets of bicycle pedals to replace the clipless pedals on my mountain bike and Elise's bike. Given the start of winter and all, these particular pedals were out of stock everywhere. They finally came in and arrived in the mail today. I got them installed so it will now be possible to cycle in the snow and ice using winter hiking boots. These pedals are called Power Grips and work a little like clips and straps, but are easier to deal with and work with wider range of shoes.
I drafted up flyers for the children's choir and our bread/cereal cooking class. I also put together a bulletin insert regarding our Christmas brunch and worship. These will be given to a number of the churches here to distribute. I have no idea if anyone from outside our own church will come, but as we've been invited to participate in some of the other churches' events, I thought it only right to reciprocate.
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