Thursday, September 21, 2006


We are docked in Wrangell at this moment. It is a small town of around 2,000 located just south of Petersburg and is the closest town. It is a 3 hour ferry trip between the two towns, or a 30 minute flight.

From the town I can see numerous smaller islands all around, one after another, each one nesting behind another, forming ever dissolving silhouettes towards the horizon.

Although a smaller town, the Adventist church in Wrangell is larger and more active than Petersburg. That can likely be attributed to the more consistent presence of a pastor at the church who also lives on the island. One reason we made the decision to move to Petersburg is to remedy one of the reasons that we believe is an obstacle to improvements in the work of the church there. We hope that a consistent, personal presence will help establish our church as a solid presence in the community.

Petersburg and Wrangell are a church district. Dave Brown, also most recently from Oregon, is a retired pastor who is overseeing the district. He lives in Wrangell and we expect to see him in Petersburg about once a month.

The SE Alaska Adventist summer camp is located on Vank Island which is between Wrangell and Mitkof Islands.

I imagine we will have occasion to make our way onto Wrangell from time to time.

I've had chance to converse with a couple of the galley crew each time we go through for a meal. One particularly has been interested in the reasons behind our move and what we will be doing. To let God lead and then simply tell our story - I think that is the heart of what we are called to do. Leave all the rest up to God.

Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.

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