(27 inches, 6 lbs. gutted)
Earlier this week we had quite a bit of rain, becoming almost fall-like. But today the skies cleared up and the sun came out, not that it really matters much as far as fish are concerned.
Yesterday afternoon I fished and thought I caught a large fish, but my reel acted up (at least that's my excuse) and while trying to get it to work properly, the line went slack and whatever was on the other end was gone. I did see a coho jump out in the distance so that was good news: the coho are still around.
The pinks appear to have gone away from the area around our house. I went to one of the creeks earlier in the week and it looks like nearly all of them are on their way up the river. Bodies of fish that have already spawned could also be seen.
This afternoon I went out again and about 45 minutes later I felt resistance, and then the line moving sideways - a sure sign of fish on the other end. I set the hook and pulled and reeled. During the first few minutes the fish was vigorous and pulled the line out, but it seemed to tire fairly quickly. A couple of times it shot up out of the water and did some backflips, trying to dislodge the hook.
Next problem was how to land it. It was high tide and the shore is rocky. After attempting it a couple of times, I finally got it close enough to grab and after a couple of attempts got it grabbed around the collar. Then it jerked and broke the line, but I had it securely and took it up where I hit it over the head with a rock. I took the hook out, gathered up my tackle and headed home where I measured it, photographed it, then gutted and cleaned it.