Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sermon: Common and Ordinary

(Click here for sermon audio.)

This sermon is a discussion of John 6:22-42. This passage is the first part of Jesus' discourse about the Bread of Life with the Galileans in the synagogue at Capernaum.

Because of our property purchase settlement, followed by the move, it was one of those weeks where I simply could not focus enough to prepare adequately. So I went through the passage, discussing some of the things I learned during the week, and prayed that God would lead the discussion along to an adequate conclusion. I don't know how successful I was in communicating my thoughts.

I didn't have much of a children's story prepared -- just a short illustration about a few items that we often take for granted and to us appear common and ordinary can, to someone else, be a life saver -- a miracle even. This is the first part of the sermon audio.

Some of the thoughts and ideas I spoke about in the sermon included Jesus' perspective on the relationship between faith and works; a side discussion on how we can better understand and interpret New Testament writers' use of Old Testament references and allusions; and how things that we might see as common and ordinary, when set apart for God, becomes holy.

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