Sunday, July 22, 2007

Children's Story: Falling

Here is the outline of the children's story. Here is the link to the audio as it was told yesterday. The children's responses are difficult to hear and understand since they weren't speaking into the microphone.

  • Ask the children if they would trust you to catch them if you told them to fall backwards into you. Ask why or why not.
    • Make any observations that are appropriate and germane.
  • Demonstrate trust by asking someone to close their eyes and fall backwards into your arms.
    • Make sure it's your own child, or you clear it with the parents first.
    • It might be a good idea to try a couple of times before the story.
  • If there were any children that didn't trust you at the start, ask if they would trust you now.
    • Why or why not?
  • Ask what the child would do if you didn't catch them. Would they trust you again?
    • What if you caught them sometimes, but sometimes not?
    • Ask the other children also.
  • God is much bigger than any of us. He can catch even the biggest of us, even if we fell from a great height.
    • We might find ourselves in difficulties.
    • It might feel like we're falling because of our troubles.
    • But God is always with us to catch us and break our fall.
    • Let's learn to fall in trust with God.

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