Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sermon, March 17: No Accident

(Click on above title link for sermon audio)

This week I take another look at the story of the wedding at Cana as recorded by John in chapter 2, verses 1-11. The sermon looks at the larger literary context that John places this story inside, so I look at John chapters 1, and also chapters 12-20.

The question that I think faces all of us from time to time is this: Is my life an accident? Especially when things aren't going well, we begin to question and doubt whether God really knows what is best for us, and we wonder if God can really be trusted. Wouldn't it be better if we could have the power to change the past and see into the future so that we could make better decisions today?

The story of the wedding at Cana led me to some lines of thought that answers some of the questions posed above.

(The first couple minutes sound a little different than the rest of the recording. I again forgot to turn on the recording device at the beginning, so I had to re-record the first couple of minutes after getting back home.)

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