Friday, February 23, 2007

Buyer's offer accepted

Last evening the interested buyer offered us $5K less than what we said was the final offer. After considering the merits, including the proverb, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush," and getting a hold of Elise over in Atlanta, we decided that it made sense to go ahead.

Among the factors that led to us deciding it was good enough, was that the buyer wants to close on the property in under 3 weeks, and he won't be asking for fixes of minor issues that come up in the inspection.

Elise had to find a fax machine where she could receive and send the signed agreement. She called me about 5 a.m. this morning, waking me, to tell me that she found a place (of course that was already 9 a.m. where she is). Anyway I asked her to wait until I was a bit more awake. I had planned to go back to sleep, but of course with my brain starting to race, sleep was out of the question. So around 6 a.m. I tried to call, but no answer. I called every five minutes or so until close to 7 a.m. when Elise happened to have her purse and phone next to her and answered it. It's a phone that I hadn't been using all that often, so it was probably set to either vibrate, or the ring set to the lowest setting.

Anyway, we are now a little closer to having our housing limbo finalize into something more tangible.

On the weather note again, during Shelley's fiddle lesson, a snow squall came through for about an hour. Now it's all let up again and we have mostly cloudy skies.

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