Thursday, August 06, 2015

GLS15, Session 4B, Albert Tate – Power of dumb ideas and living in abundance

(The one talk today that was predominantly religious, Christian, and evangelical.)

Jesus sometimes asks dumb questions because he wants us to realize the impossibility of what he is asking. Our response is often what seems a dumb solution. 

Jesus asks his disciples to feed a large crowd, already knowing what he is going to do. Andrew finds a boy with fish and bread, hardly enough to feed a single person. 

God asking Moses to talk to Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go.

Fr. Greg Boyle starting a bakery in L.A. to employ gang members. 

The power of a "dumb idea." 

Create a culture in which "dumb ideas" aren't laughed off, but heard and considered. 

What does it mean for us to "pack our lunch" and then give it away to Jesus? And then get out of the way. Too often we miss the last piint–we hang on to the lunch expecting to "help out" God.

We can become so consumed with the ordinary and mundane and with "reasonable solutions" that we fail to recognize opportunities for miracles. 

There were leftovers when the crowd was fed. What does it mean for us to have something left to return home with? 

Not having anything left after work is not a good work ethic. It's missing the miracle of what God wants to supply. We live as if resources are scarce. We ought to live in God's abundance. We don't have to lead in our sole strength. 

God can fill us so that we can lead from overflow, rather than empty. 

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