Friday, November 06, 2009

Ah… Jetlag

For a couple of days I thought maybe this time I won’t experience jetlag so badly… But… apparently the past two nights I was able to sleep simply because the fatigue from travel overwhelmed any sort of jetlag. Tonight, however, I am wide awake. I was sleepy around 8 p.m. so I went to bed, but by 11 p.m. I was awake. It is not 1 a.m. with no signs of sleepiness in the vicinity… At least I was able to use the time to put down notes towards a coherent sermon for tomorrow. I’d been working half a dozen sermon ideas for the last couple of days with nothing “gelling” together, but there is one now that is coming together.

The weather here is typical Petersburg: cloudy and rainy. But last evening it was also quite windy. There is a bit of snow now on the peaks of the hills around the area.

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