Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tropical Storm

Or it sure seemed like it. One of the weather stations in Anchorage reported a high of 49F today. The wind gusts were strong, blowing trees around and down. By this evening most of the main roads were pretty much clear of all ice and down to bare, wet pavement. Side streets and parking lots were another matter though. They were still very slick with water over ice.

We went out one more time this evening. Elise wanted to get some fabric for her little project. We also needed to get another container to put stuff in for our flight back. Within the state of Alaska, we can still check in 3 pieces of luggage per person without incurring additional fees. We got a small plastic tote and a luggage strap.

Tomorrow morning we are headed home. I’m more than ready to end living out of suitcases.

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