Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A respite from winter

And what a respite that was. It was almost summer-y.  Temperatures approached 60 degrees, the skies were clear, and the sunshine was warm. We rarely get those kinds of days, even during actual summertime. It was like that from about Saturday through yesterday.

The temps have dropped today though, and clouds have rolled in. The forecast says winter will be back.

It was funny to have such warm weather and see roads covered in ice. On Sunday I bicycled up (with studded tires) up to the grocery store to restock, after our week away, our refrigerator and pantry. It was the warmth, lack of exercise the last several weeks, or a combination, but I was winded and light-headed after I got there. It took a few minutes to recover before I was ready to start shopping. One of the staff from the hospital saw me there and wondered if I was okay…

Yesterday, once more, I bicycled to the other grocery store to pick up a few items I had forgotten the previous day. This time I was fine. It’s almost as if my body suddenly realized it needed to readjust to physical activity.

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