Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Halloween treats

Well, a few days late, but I thought I should mention it.

If you’ve read my past posts on Halloween, you know that our city defines 6 to 8 p.m. as trick-or-treating time, and the street we’re on is one of the most popular ones. Families drive their kids to our street for the annual fest.

A few months ago, I decided to add something a little different to what we pass out. I purchased 8 dozen glow-in-the-dark pens from CTA (Christian Tools for Affirmation), Inc. I thought that for the price, the quality my be wanting, but I was pleasantly surprised to discover that they are of good quality.

On Halloween, Elise and Amy taped and tied a piece of candy to each pen, and then we waited for the kids to come around. There was less candy than pens – about 80 total.

When the kids were told that the pens glowed in the dark, many seemed quite intrigued and excited about them. By the end of the night, almost all of the candy was gone.

The next day when Elise was at work, she heard from one of her coworkers that her child thought the pen was one of the best “treats” of the night.

I thought I’d mention this before it slipped my mind completely, so that if you’re looking to do something a little different next Halloween, this might be an idea.

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