Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sale is moving forward

Last night I received a few escrow papers to fill out and return. I heard that the earnest money was deposited yesterday. This morning I got a call from our broker telling me a few concerns brought up by the buyer. One of the issues I've already arranged to have someone come out and look and do some maintenance, if needed. So the sale of our property is moving forward.

Due to a number of factors, Elise and Lorean had stayed in a motel in Rapid City instead of going all the way into Wyoming. They leave today to spend one night in Wyoming, before returning to the same motel tomorrow night for an early flight out and back here. But it turns out that this worked well, because the escrow paper needed Elise's signature, and the front desk at the motel was easily able to accommodate this need.

By now you probably know that the global stock market took a severe downturn in today's trading. Was it coincidence or providence that there was an offer made for our property just a week ago, and that we chose to accept it last Friday? If I was considering purchase and the market started to fall off a precipice like it did today, I would become very reluctant to go forward with such a large purchase...

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