Friday, February 23, 2007

It's definitely winter again

After a night and day of snow, I awoke to partly cloudy skies and the sun radiating on the hill just outside our window, across the Narrows. It is cold, crisp, and dry today. The weather forecast looks like much of the same for the next ten days or so -- though that forecast could well change in a blink of an eye.

Last night I taught the second cooking class. Probaby due to the snow and ice, as well as some Lenten services going on in a couple of churces in town, the turn out was low -- just two from the community, two of our church members, my girls, and me. But we had a good time, and it appeared that everyone was quite pleased with the new dishes to try out on their own -- an Indian potatoe dish, an Indian green beans dish, and a butternut squash soup. We used lots of garlic, ginger, and cayenne.

Earlier in the week, on Wednesday, I arranged a series of notes, composed by the children's choir on Tuesday, into a little praise and worship style song using a few texts from Psalm 95. The series of notes were composed by the children, by holding up plastic plates at three levels -- above the line, on the line, and below the line -- all on a count of three. We repeated this about four times so that I would have around 25 notes to work with. I'll get the music posted here sometime in the next few days. The kids will get to listen to their composition on Tuesday.

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