I’m not quite sure what story this series is trying to tell. Is it the story of the first generation of the followers of the resurrected Jesus? Or is it the story of the political intrigues in Jerusalem and Judea in the middle part of the first century A.D.?
For this episode, the producers and writers appear to have magically (pun intended – see next paragraph) invented an event that (at least in my searches) cannot be located in history – a visit by Roman Emperor Tiberius to Jerusalem at the time of Pontius Pilate. As the title of the episode indicates, this fictional event is the main plot. Although the title of the series would cause a person to expect the biblical sources to be predominate, it is rather the invented plots about the political intrigue that are primary to this series.
The part of the Bible this episode sort-of covers is Acts 8:4-13, the story of Philip and Simon the Magician in Samaria. Very little program time is actually found narrating the story. It feels almost as if the producers keep these stories in the program to pay token lip-service to the idea that they are (still) telling the story of the Bible. In the overall “A” plot of this episode, I found this story of Philip and Simon to be more of a distraction and really don’t see how it contributed in any way to the plot. The “Christian” characters come off as flat and undeveloped.
One of the issues I find with the depiction of Saul in the series vs. what is found in the Bible is that in this series, Saul is very aware of Peter and in fact, Saul’s main objective is to destroy Peter. In the biblical text, there is nothing to indicate that Saul was so obsessed with the apostles. In fact the very text covered by this episode could be read in a way that shows the apostles being kept above the general harassment that the other Christians were experiencing.
Claudia (Pilate’s wife) is the voice of reason. She is present at key hearings and discourses, and she is the one who Tiberius confides in.
We are given an introduction to Caligula, the future emperor. He is shown as a narcissistic, unbalanced person, and he is brother to Herodias, wife of Antipas.
It’s becoming increasingly plain that this series is not about the Bible. I wish the producers would just rid themselves of pretending that it is. At least then I wouldn’t be shackled with the idea that it needs to retain some faithfulness to the biblical source and history. It would be easier to enter the world of its invented history and plot.
Its need to retain a tie to the Bible drags it down. I rate this episode 4 out of 10.
Jerusalem. Saul goes house to house trying to eradicate Christians. Apostles are gathered in a room, holding Communion. Philip believes he is being called by the Spirit to go to Samaria. The others aren’t so sure. Saul enters the building where they are hiding. He searches, but do not locate them. Mary Magdalene sneaks past Saul’s carnage and returns to the apostles. Philip leaves for Samaria.
As Philip leaves Jerusalem, he observes a Roman legion approaching Jerusalem. Pilate informs Caiaphas that the Emperor is coming. He warns Caiaphas that all must appear in order during the Emperor’s visit. Pilate demands rounding up of Christians to cease and for funds to help pay for the visit. Caiaphas can do something about the former. The latter will have to come from a private source.. Leah is annoyed that Caiaphas agrees to Pilate’s terms to support an emperor that has driven out Jews from Rome.
Philip approaches a small band of people appearing to be in trouble. They turn out to be bandits who beat him and strip away a medallion around his neck. The leave.
End segment one.
Caiaphas calls Annas in. In return for reconciliation, Caiaphas demands Annas pay 60,000 to him which will be used to support the Roman demands.
Mary Magdalene suggests she go to work for the Romans during the emperor’s visit. She will be able to secure food by working in the kitchen.
Philip is rescued by a man named Yitzhak. Together they reach Samaria where they encounter Simon the magician who performs dramatic acts. Yitzhak happens to be Simon’s assistant.
Saul is torturing Christians in their holding cells. A temple guard arrives and orders Saul to stop, under orders of Caiaphas. Saul protests that he is doing God’s work. The guard tells him that he cannot do this in Jerusalem, at least while the emperor is there.
Back to Simon. Simon calls Philip up to stage. Simon knows that Philip lost something valuable, a pendant. Simon produces the pendant and Philip finds it around his neck. Philip is not convinced. He accuses Simon of trickery, not God’s work.
Saul comes looking for Peter in Galilee. His daughter, Maya, is there. She tells him that Peter is not there. Saul warns her that he will find Peter, no matter where he goes.
End segment two.
The emperor arrives in Jerusalem. Cornelius is in charge of crowd control duty. Tiberius is emperor. Caligula, his nephew accompanies.
Maya comes to Jerusalem to warn Peter.
Tiberius is not here for goodwill. Claudia warns Pilate that Tiberius has come to remove him, and that they must cultivate good relationships with Tiberius’ successor, no matter how distasteful.
Simon attempts to cure a boy’s mother. Simon is unable. Philip calls out that he can help. Simon allows Philip to try. The crowd looks on. [Dramatic sky scene as clouds move and light shines down.] Philip prays for healing in Jesus’ name. [More dramatic sky scene.] The mother is healed. The crowd cheer. Simon and Yitzhak look upon Peter with contempt.
End segment three.
Pilate’s court. Mary Magdalene is serving the guests. Caligula grabs her and tells her that she is good enough to satisfy a future emperor.
Tiberius discusses how to control Judea and the Jews. He believes force and a strong hand are the only means. Claudia interjects that tact and diplomacy are what works better, and that Pilate has such qualities. Cornelius recognizes Mary as someone he has seen before.
Philip baptizes new believers in Samaria. Simon, too, is baptized. Yitzhak looks on with a look of annoyance.
Tiberius speaks with Claudia.
The apostles confront Saul in the nighttime streets of Jerusalem. Peter challenges Saul with words. Peter lets Saul go. The others question Peter’s actions. Peter states that they are not men of violence.
End segment four.
Simon is still in the waters. Yitzhak comes to see him. Simon exits the water, asks for Yitzhak’s knife and uses it to makes a cut in the hand of Yitzhak, who is taken aback in pain by the action. Simon assures Yitzhak that it will be all right, because he has been baptized. Simon tries to heal the wound but is unsuccessful and wonders why he doesn’t have the same powers as Philip.
Antipas, Herodias (Caligula’s sister), Pilate, Tiberius, Caligula – they are all in one place. Cornelius sees Mary again. He questions why she is there. She just needed a job. He asks her why she shouldn’t be arrested then and there. She responds with how she was taught to love her enemies. Cornelius lets her go with a warning to not approach Pilate again.
In the inner chamber Pilate attempts to defend his actions. Pilate calls in Caiaphas. Caiaphas relates how much his relationship with Pilate has benefited the governance of Judea. Tiberius dismisses Caiaphas and Pilate. Pilate’s future is in Tiberius’ hands.
End segment five.
Saul resumes rounding up Christians in search of Peter.
Leah is angry that Caiaphas has pleaded Pilate’s cause. She is angry that he didn’t support the one who will win the power struggle. A temple guard comes to Caiaphas informing him that Saul has resumed rounding up Christians. Saul’s band and his prisoners encounter Caligula. Caligula asks what is happening and upon finding out that Saul is rounding up heretics, Caligula is amused and begins to chase after the prisoners. One of them attacks Caligula, not knowing who he is. Caligula is not amused and strangles him to death.
Tiberius and Claudia speak again. Tiberius relates a dream he had. Claudia speaks of dreams she has had.
Pilate is afraid. Claudia tries to reassure him that things will work out.
Saul enters the temple courtyard. He is summoned by a guard to follow him to the cells. One of the prisoners tells him that Peter has left Jerusalem for Damascus. Saul leaves. A pouch of coins is thrown by the guard to the prisoner along with an order to let the man go. Caiaphas reveals himself from the shadows. It was all a ruse to get Saul out of Jerusalem.
End episode seven.
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