Sunday, May 31, 2015

A.D. The Bible Continues (TV / NBC) – “Saul’s Return” (9/12)


Has anyone else finding Saul to be annoying? Because ever since he showed up in the series, he's been a rather unlikable person. (If that's the intent, the producers have succeeded overwhelmingly.) He also speaks and acts like he's on some kind of substance - oh, say marijuana... It just occurred to me tonight that his scruffy appearance, his almost slurred speech, and his "I don't care what the world thinks" attitude seems like a stereotype of a pot addict... But that's just my observation.

This episode's link to the Bible is found in Acts 9:23-28

Historically, there was a threat of a statue of Caligula being placed in the Temple at Jerusalem. It didn't quite happen the way it is described in this program.

This episode portrays the suspicion and dilemma of the apostles as they are confronted with Saul's conversion and his desire to be accepted into the work of gospel ministry. Although Acts 9:26 gives a brief acknowledgment of the apostles' fear, I think this episode did a pretty good job of working through what that fear might have looked like. The text of Acts makes it seem like it was just a simple matter of Barnabas vouching for Saul and all was well, but that seems rather unrealistic.

This exchange highlights one of the problems I've had throughout this series. The problem is with the meaning of forgiveness as understood by it. I've noticed how forgiveness is consistently portrayed as having all the past washed away, all is lovey-dovey, everyone is accepted, and there are no consequences for past actions. When Saul asks Peter for forgiveness, this is what Saul expects. Peter struggles with forgiveness, because to forgive Saul means (at least according to the definition of forgiveness in the series) that means that there is no accountability or responsibility for Saul's past actions. In fact it is with only great reluctance that Saul eve mentions to Peter his acknowledgment of the past. Saul thinks that forgiveness should just be given.

And here I think this series parrots some of the troublesome teachings found in some segments of Christianity: namely that if a person claims genuine conversion and has accepted the forgiveness from God/Jesus, then the church's responsibility is to accept that, without question. (Certain recent events come to mind where a person acknowledges their "sin" before God and claims to be forgiven. Therefore, the past should be forgotten and they should be accepted fully into community, no questions asked.)

After several episodes in which women were rarely seen in prominent roles, this episode returns with a bang the strong women of the series: Claudia, Leah, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Eva. This episode introduces the character of Tabitha, who may be the one so named in Acts 9:36. In the series, she is a servant in the household of Chuza and Joanna. These women are not content to sit by and wait for events to come upon them. They are involved in making things happen, for good and for evil.

I felt like there was more character development in this episode. The political intrigues continue, but it didn't feel like that was the main plotline. No one seems to be in control of their destinies. Pilate is at the whim of Caligula. Caiaphas seems powerless to do anything constructive. Leah is behind the scenes trying to kill Saul, but how successful will that be? The apostles have been given a huge unknown to deal with: Saul. Agrippa now fears his "friend" Caligula, the emperor.

This was, in my opinion, one of the better episodes in the series. I wasn't banging my head against the table nor grinding my teeth while watching it, as sometimes has been the case during watching of the "terrible" episodes. I give it a 7 out of 10 (which in my history of TV program ratings, means quite decent).


Damascus. Mob with torches seeking Saul after he preaches Jesus in the synagogue. Barnabas finds him and has him lowered down in a basket over the wall to safety. 

Caiaphas, Reuben, and Leah discuss Saul’s conversion. Leah wants Saul shamed and killed. 

Caligula in Jerusalem. As new emperor, he seeks assurances of his subjects’ loyalty. He orders one to kill himself to prove it. Caligula wants his statue all over the empire, including in the Temple. He wants Pilate to make sure it happens. 

End of Segment One.

Saul and Barnabas return to Jerusalem and to the Temple. 

Pilate wants Agrippa to speak with Caligula to stop the statue from going up in the Temple. Agrippa doesn’t think it will work, but he gives a half-hearted word to try. Pilate and Claudia wonder how to stop a madman. 

Reuben and Leah come to Caiaphas to inform him that Saul has been sighted in Jerusalem. 

Barnabas goes to a house with a small fish symbol on the door. He tries to convince the apostles that Saul has changed and wants to speak with them. They are skeptical. Peter and Saul speak away from the others. Saul thinks that claiming to have been converted and to have been baptized should be sufficient for the others to accept him. The others do not accept. Peter wants to hear everything from Saul’s mouth.

End of Segment Two.

Peter remains skeptical. Peter wishes things were clear. Saul believes everything is quite clear. Saul wants to know how someone who has been with Jesus ought to be forgiving and accepting.

Caligula prepares to leave Jerusalem. 

Mary Magdalene comforts Tabitha. Tabitha had been assaulted by Caligula? 

Pilate informs Caiaphas of Caligula’s “gift” of a statue of himself for the Temple. Caiaphas is incensed. This problem isn’t Pilate’s. It is between Caligula and Caiaphas. The wives discuss separately among themselves. Leah suggests using Saul as a scapegoat for resistance against Caligula. Leah uses claims of Jesus as king and Messiah as a threat against Rome’s claims. Claudia is not convinced. 

End of Segment Three.

Saul and Peter continue their dialogue. Saul wants to know why they can’t practice what they preach, and simply accept him. Why can’t they forgive and accept? Saul asks, has Peter ever been forgiven of something awful? Peter realizes, but isn't ready to accept Saul. After all Peter has been Saul's personal vendetta, and has even threatened his daughter.

Temple guards search for Saul. 

Herod Antipas and Herodias are under house-arrest in Jerusalem. Mary Magdalene overhears their talk of a statue in the Temple. They discuss how they can retake power from Pilate and then get rid of Jesus followers. Mary is shocked and runs. She goes to Joanna. Joanna gives her some money to go to the apostles and offer help. Chuza walks in. He is not pleased. Tabitha, overhearing, wonders where Joanna learned to stand up to her husband. Joanna tells her that Jesus gives her the power.

The apostles discuss Mary’s news. They think this has to do with the abomination written in the prophecies of Daniel. When this happens, they think it will fulfill what is necessary for Jesus to return.

End of Segment Four.

Leah tries to convince Caiaphas to use Saul as a scapegoat. Leah wants Saul dead. Caiaphas isn’t certain. Caiaphas believes in the power of the Temple to make Saul return. Caiaphas will speak with Saul before pursuing any other action. Caiaphas thinks they have for too long used force to try to keep people in line. He thinks other measures may be more effective. Caiaphas recites the "love your neighbor" passage from Leviticus. Leah is annoyed. Rome has been using force and taking lives to maintain order. Jews have been among the casualties. She tells him to send Rome the scroll of Leviticus and see how well that goes. 

Peter discusses Saul with Barnabas. Peter still isn’t convinced. He thinks Saul is arrogant and conceited, and wonders why Jesus chose him. Peter wonders why Jesus chose Saul, and why Saul seems to be acting as a leader.

Cornelius discusses the statue with Pilate and Claudia. Cornelius offers dire estimates of casualties on all sides if the statue goes up. Cornelius and Pilate believes the Jews must be made to accept the statue. Claudia thinks the arrival of the statue should altogether be prevented. 

Peter comes to the other apostles with Saul, that they should accept him. Simon the Zealot leaves. Saul runs after him to try to convince him of his good will. Temple guards roam the streets looking for Saul. They find Saul and take him in. Barnabas observes.

End of Segment Five.

Saul is led into a dungeon cell. 

Simon enters a building where other conspirators and revolutionaries are known to frequent. He has information.

Claudia offers prayers to various deities for peace and security. Cornelius comes upon Claudia. She asks how he prepares to handle crisis and destruction. Claudia accuses men of easily destroying things. 

Simon is given a drugged drink. He is taken upstairs. He meets with Eva.. If he is willing to do what needs to be done, they will protect him. Levi enters to further discuss matters with Simon.

Saul is in a cell, reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Caiaphas, disguised, watches.

End Episode Nine.

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