Thursday, October 04, 2012

Meaning of “Sacrifice”

This morning I had about 30 minutes on the local Christian radio, KRSA, and discussed the topic of “sacrifice”. Below are my notes.

  • What does "sacrifice" mean? What images rise up when you hear that word?
  • Giving up or going without stuff. Giving up positions. Choosing to suffer hardships. Moving to a place away from comfort and convenience.
  • Most of us in developed nations don't ever really sacrifice.
  • What does it mean to sacrifice to God?
  • Romans 12:1-2
  • Paul writes that we are to offer ourselves as living sacrifices. Following verses seem to indicate this sacrifice is in the context of transformation of the mind and in learning humility and service.
  • This is in line with Philippians 2:1-8 – Jesus’ example of sacrifice
  • This ends with sacrifice demonstrated through death on a cross. Is death on a cross the sacrifice we are instructed to offer to God?
  • Luke 9:21-25 – denying self, taking up the cross
  • Is death the sacrifice, or is death the result of an earlier event that is the true sacrifice?
  • Sacrifice is giving up one's rights, privileges, entitlements.
  • Sacrifice is, most of all, giving up the right to vengeance and retribution, the right to seek punishment against those who have hurt us, abused us, betrayed us.
  • Sacrifice is the choice to let go of our hurts and instead embrace love and forgive those who have hurt us.
  • Luke 23:34-35 - this is the pinnacle of sacrifice. Jesus is the one human being in history who had the right, authority, and the power to exact vengeance and retribution upon all who hurt and abused him. But he chose to let it go and instead embrace forgiveness through love.
  • Micah 6:6-8 - what kind of sacrifice does God want?

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