Tuesday, June 15, 2010

20.5 inch Dolly!


A few days ago I found a site that provides fishing forecasts and times during each day when fishing is expected to be best. This morning that happened to be between 4:12 and 6:12 a.m. I was awake at 4:12, but decided to wait until about 5 a.m. to go out.

It wasn’t too long before I caught the middle (smallest) of the three. The hook was embedded pretty deep and it took some work to get out. I then cast out and the knot on the hook must have come apart and the lure went flying away. This makes two lures lost within 12 hours. I was happy to get a fish, but not happy to lose my second lure in such a short period.

Some 40 minutes later though, I caught the bottom one pictured. It was HUGE. I decided that I still had some time so I continued a while longer and caught the top one – not as big, but still quite large. The three caught today easily make up for the lures I lost.

After bringing them back home I measured the big one at 20.5 inches and weighed in (already gutted) at 2.25 lbs. Before gutting it might have weighed in around 2.75 lbs. – a very good size for a Dolly Varden. I think I’ll be filleting and/or butterflying them and probably grilling them over a wood charcoal fire today.

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