Thursday, September 10, 2009

Slept this morning

I’m still experiencing the full effects of jet lag. I was very drowsy last night, nodding off while trying to read a bit. But by 1 a.m. or so I was wide awake and spent the next three hours sitting in front of the computer, listening to an audio book, and mostly just waiting for the time to go by.

I crawled back into bed about 4:30 a.m. and then I must have eventually dozed off because the next thing I know, it is about 11 a.m. I’m not sure which way my body clock is moving but I did finally get a substantial stretch of sleep.

The weather today is wet and windy. It almost looks like a tropical storm.

Last night we went to the High School open house where we met the teachers and staff and got a brief glimpse at what Shelley is/will be learning this year. The new HS principal is from Aloha High School in Oregon, not too far from where we used to live.

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