Monday, February 09, 2009

Messy Weather

I haven’t posted much in the way of updates, because frankly, there isn’t a whole lot going on that is noteworthy.

The temperature has been bobbing above and below the freezing point, meaning we’ve been getting both lots of snow and lots of rain. With the snow and ice damming up the street drainage, the water has nowhere to go. That means when the temps are above freezing with heavy rains, the basement floods. When the temps go below freezing, all that water freezes and there’s snow on top of ice. And then when the temps go above freezing again, all the stuff starts to melt and everything gets really, really messy and ugly.

I think the temps stayed below freezing today and we got a little sun. The landscape was pretty nice.

Last Tuesday evening we started a new weekly event at church: a supper get-together where we, well, get together, cook, and have supper. We want to host discussions on topics such as health, finances, cooking, and so on that can be of help to the community. We still have some kinks to work out, but our hope is that people from the community will begin to join us.

Tomorrow and Wednesday the mental health services in Petersburg is providing suicide intervention training. Elise and I are attending the training.

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