Friday, April 13, 2007

Another "Good" Friday

Last Friday was Good Friday, and today is Friday the 13th. So what is so good about today?

The reason is that for the first time in seven or so months, it seems like the dark clouds that were hanging over our lives are starting to break apart and let some light in. It's a lot like the weather we've been seeing -- period of clouds and some downpours, but lately there also been quite a bit of sunbreaks and clearing. It feels like spring is here, both literally and figuratively.

Elise spent seventeen+ hours yesterday at work. She thought she might be able to be present during a birth, but that wasn't to be and she returned home about 1 a.m.

Elise also discovered that in the absence of a vet in town, the hospital also acts in that capacity when necessary.

One of the two Realtors in town also works at the hospital. From her, Elise learned that one of the houses for sale by owner was going to be listed at around $200K. This property is located in the center of town, next to the high school. There are quite obvious advantages and disadvantages to the location. It is a "classic Norwegian" house, meaning it's well aged, though from what I hear it's been remodeled.

From another hospital employee Elise learned that her property is also for sale around $200K, but is currently not advertised or listed. This one is fairly close to the church. It's also an older proprety with parts of the house remodeled within the last decade or so.

The summer fishing season is approaching, and that means that seasonal workers are starting to come in to town. Our apartment complex will soon be filled.

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